Sunday, September 7, 2008

Natural RED dye!

OK, we are having the first birthday party where I have to make a cake, since we took dyes out of Shayla's diet. SOOOOO, she wanted a barbie cake, and I wanted to make her one.
Now, the challenge was making PINK frosting for her dress!
So, here is what I ended up doing....
First: I took frozen cherries and let them thaw (about 25 cherries or so). Then I pushed them in the strainer over the bowl to get out ALL the juice!
Then I mixed it up really well. (Oh, by the way, this is butter cream frosting. Made with Spectrum Shortening so NO Hyd. Oils!)

Then I decorated the cake... Yummm!!!! Pink Frosting and NO RED #40 !!!! I figure you can do this with Beet Juice, Raspberry juice, etc...

And, I have ONE QUESTION.... I am a Great Baker and a Good Cook, so why on earth can I NOT COOK HARD BOILED EGGS?????? I have tried every way "THEY" tell you to do it, and pretty much 95% of the time.... they peel HORRIBLE.... I chunk out egg trying to shell it....



Unknown said...

I have heard that you boil them and then run them under super cold water. But, mine still get a little bit of chunks out to.

Love the BLOG!


Donna said...

Hmm...are they fresh eggs? Fresh eggs are harder to peel than store-bought and older eggs.

I have had better luck by boiling them 12 minutes rather than shorter times. If you boil too long than they get more like rubber. Also, I have better luck putting them in cool tap water rather than hot or warm; then bringing them to a boil.

But some still bomb from time to time :-)

Donna said...

Beautiful job on the cake BTW!

Anonymous said...

Lovely cake! About the eggs... I agree that fresh eggs are harder to peel. Here's my method. It almost always works for me. Bring eggs to boiling, then TURN OFF THE BURNER AND LET THE EGGS SIT ON THE HOT BURNER at least 10 minutes. When you take them off, drain the hot water. Shake the pan with the eggs to crack them, and fill it back up with cold water. Refill with cold water a second time if necessary. Some of my shells literally fall of this way.

Dani-D said...

I agree with amysfinerthings directions below as well as peel them immeditely then. It seems to help if you peel them when the egg inside is still just slightly warm. Good Luck!